
  • Project

Libeccio Kick-off Meeting


The Consortium of Libeccio project met up in Bologna on the 26th and 27th March in Bologna, at the premises of the Lead Partner, Emilia-Romagna Region (Directorate General for Knowledge, Research, Labour and Enterprises).

This was the occasion for Project Partners to get to know each other and to discuss how to set up and manage all projects activities.

LIBECCIO is a project financed under the INTERREG Euro-MED Programme, aiming at facilitating the access, use and in general the “culture” of data among stakeholders in the tourism sector of the Euro-Mediterranean area. It means to support decision-making processes oriented towards environmental, economic and social sustainability, at a local and regional level. 

The next project meeting and Steering Committee is scheduled for the 1st and 2nd of October, and it will be held in Terrassa (Spain) at the premises of Terrassa City Council (Project Partner n. 4). 

To visualize the meeting agenda, please click here: Agenda KoM