
First info day in Western Greece

Date and Time

Date(s) - 24 November 2024
Time : 10h30 - 12h00

MyWay Hotel Patras
Othonos Amalias Ave 16
26221 Patras (Greece)

The Industrial Systems Institute of the ATHENA Research Center and the Region of Western Greece organize the 1st Libeccio Infoday in Patras, Greece on November 24, 2024. The infoday is organized in the context of the 27th Development Forum, an annual event organized by the weekly magazine Symboulos.

The event will be welcomed by the Deputy Governor of the Region of Western Greece for  Tourism, Mr Panagiotis Sakellaropoulos, as well as the Director of the Industrial Systems Institute, Professor Chrysostomos Stylios.

The Libeccio EUROMed Tourism Innovation Platform will be presented and the envisaged Destination Management Support System will be highlighted, by Dr Athanasios Kalogeras and Dr Christos Alexakos respectively. Insights on the Libeccio connection to wider Euro-MED efforts will be highlighted by a presentation about the Dialogue4Tourism project, given by Mr Ioannis Mardikis. Finally, work on Big Data analytics in tourism and relevant Destination Management Organization of the city of Athens will be presented by Professor Sotirios Varelas.

The infoday intends to engage tourism stakeholders in the area of Western Greece informing them about the purposes of the project and its anticipated outcomes and results. It will also promote engagement with the envisaged Tourism Innovation Platform in the area of Western Greece.

For the event Programme, please click here: Agenda info-day