What we achieve

In this section you can read about the main project results, as they are accomplished.

You can also download the project key deliverables.

Work Package 1

The key deliverable of Work Package 1 is the Up-scaled DMSS functional and technical requirements report.

This report presents the functional and technical requirements for the up-scaled DMSS. It presents an analysis of data availability across all partners selected tourist destinations.

To download the document, please click here: D1.3.1_Up-scaled DMSS functional and technical requirements report


Work Package 3

The first results of Work Package 3 have been the EUROMed Tourism Innovation Platform (ETIP) and the ETIP Accession Charter. 

The Accession Charter formalises the commitment of new members to join the EUROMed Tourism Innovation Platform (ETIP) within the LIBECCIO project. The main objective of the membership is to support the transformation of Tourism in the Mediterranean area.

To dowload the document, please click here: D.3.1.2_ETIP Accession Charter

To join ETIP, please fill out the form and register here:  https://libeccio.interreg-euro-med.eu/euromed-tourism-innovation-platform-etip-registration-form/